A Charismatic Christian Church Where...Everybody is a Somebody, No One is a Stranger & Miracles Still Happen All the Time!
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The 1st Step to spiritual growth at
Calvary Fellowship International church!
Becoming a member at Calvary Fellowship International means that you are becoming a part of our spiritual family and you are making one of the most significant "advancements" in your spiritual life that you have ever taken.
If you have been attending Fellowship International and are considering making KAFCI your church home - we'd like to invite you to sign up for our upcoming Membership Class.
At Membership Class you will learn about the history of the church, our core values, what the Bible says about church membership, what it means to be a member at CFI and why being a member of a local church is so important to your spiritual growth.
Of course - we hope that you will decide to make CFI your spiritual family, And by attending our upcoming Membership Class, you will receive all of the information you need to decide if that's the right step for you to take!
To sign up for this class, please complete the form below or email Minister Altheria Wheeler at AltheriaWheeler@CalvaryFI.com, stating that you would like to particpate in our next membership class. This way we will have an accurate count so that we can have the necessary supplies for the class.
Why do you need a spiritual family?
What are the personal requirements for membership @ Calvary Fellowship International Churh?
What are the steps in CFI'S membership process?