What are Next Steps?

Now that you have been accepted Christ as your Savior, been baptized in water, what's Your NEXT STEP here at Calvary Fellowship International Church?  We're glad you asked.  Next Steps classes are what's next!   These classes take place each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. sharp!  Our Next Steps Classes are designed to help you to grow in your relationship with Christ and learn basic truths on four levels of developement as he or she progresses through their spiritual Growth Track.
Calvary Fellowship International's Growth Track is the catalyst to help you become a fully developing follower of Jesus Christ. The Growth Track provides the necessary tools to make this happen in your life. From the initial decision to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, to your final destination in life-changing ministry and leadership, we will guide you step-by-step from salvation to membership, to spiritual growth and into a fulfilling leadership role.

Experience the Life Transformation!

We encourage you to take the Next Steps in your spiritual developent by signing up for one of our Next Steps Classes. For more information about our Next Steps Classes, take a look at the diagram below.   To register for our Next Steps Classes please fill out the spaces below and a confirmation letter will be sent to your email address with all of the information needed to start Your NEXT STEP in your spiritual developement here at Kingdom Advancers Family Church. 

Your Next Steps at CFI...

Below you will find details about Your NEXT STEPS and the classes that corresponds to them. 


1ST BASE:  C.L.A.S.S. 101

New Membership Orientation Classs

(Your First Step To Becoming a CFI Member)

This is the New Member Orientation Class here at CFI.  It is a One Session Class that is taught on Sunday Morning's before church.  This class takes place every couple of months on a Sunday during our morning service. Our 101 Class is our Introduction to the Calvary Fellowship International's amazing mission and vision. In this class you will discover:


Ø  What's Our Vision & Mission


Teaching Emphasis

ü  The Two Types of Church Membership

ü  The Reasons for Church Membership

ü  The Reasons for being a Member of KAFCI

ü  The Requirements for Membership at KAFCI

ü  The Benefits of Membership at KAFCI


2ND BASE:  C.L.A.S.S. 201

Spiritual Foundations Course


This class is designed to equip each new believer and new member with the necessary teachings and tools to stay connected with Christ and His principles that will produce both personal success for the believer and corporate success within the local church.


Teaching Emphasis:

ü  Your Power to Complete Your Journey Through God's Kingdom

ü  Your Practices for a Successful Journey Through God's Kingdom

ü  Your Pathway for Victorious Living in God's Kingdom

ü  Your Partner for Winning on the Journey Through God's Kingdom

ü  You Prevail over sin on this Journey Through God's Kingdom

ü  Your Partners on this Journey Through God's Kingdom

ü  Your Part in Advancing God's Kingdom

ü  Your Part in Supporting God's Kingdom

ü  Your Predestined Final Destination on the Journey Through God's Kingdom


3RD BASE:  C.L.A.S.S. 301

HELPS:  The Ministry That Every Believer is Called To!

What God made you to BE determines what God intends for you to DO.  This class is designed to help you to understand the purpose that you were created for, then you will ACT as the kind of person you are. 

This is the secret of knowing God's will for your life!

God is consistent in His plan for each of our lives.  He would not give us inborn talents and temperaments, spiritual gifts, and all sorts of life experiences and then not use them!  By reviewing and studying these factors, we can discover the ministry He has for us... the unique way God intends for us to serve Him.

Teaching Emphasis:

ü  You Were Made for Ministry in God's Kingdom

ü  You Must Have Power For Ministry in God's Kingdom

ü  Your Power For Ministry Comes through Spiritual Gifting


HOME:  C.L.A.S.S. 401

God's Purposeful Pursuit

Leadership is one of the key essentials in helping us become all that God wants us to become.  In fact, the Bible says this in Proverbs 11:14 "Without wise leadership a nation is in trouble."  That's true of every single area of life.  Without wise leadership a family is in trouble.  Without wise leadership a business is in trouble.  Without wise leadership a community is in trouble.  Without wise leadership a church is in trouble.  Without wise leadership the world is in trouble...because "Everything Rises Or Falls On Leadership".

Teaching Emphasis:
ü The Foundations for Leadership

​​ü The Skills of Leadership

ü The Skills of Leadership

ü   The Kind of Leader that God Uses

ü   Leading and Succeeding at Church and at Work

ü   Leadership vs. Management (and the need for both)

ü   Fatal Flaws of Leadership

ü   Eliminating Excuses to Excel in Excellence!